Originally Posted by mauro1947
There is a little bug on last release.
When you use AJAX to edit a post, when edition is complete, all Thanks dissapears. Just reload the page and appears again.
Any idea about this?
Something to do with vb's AJAX.
Originally Posted by GearTripper
possible addition to... - Special Actions: This action will delete all thanks a single user received.
Added to my list.
Originally Posted by baby41
Are this product for version 3.6.8 ???? Because it gives me this error:
"The following dependencies were not met:
1. This product is not compatible with version 3.6.8 of vBulletin. (Compatible starting with 3.6.* / Incompatible with 3.6.6 and greater)
Make sure you downloaded the right version.
Originally Posted by paulgrimshaw
two questions:
1. Can I make the thanks only on first post to be the opposite, e.g. the first post cannot be thanked but the rest can.
No option now. Dont think i would add it. You should be able to make an easy add-on using the hooks in the hack.
Originally Posted by paulgrimshaw
2. Can you put a thankyou count somewhere in the post template so I can see how many thanks are made per post? (rather than use the additional box that appears after the post itself).
You should be able to use the variable: $post[post_thanks_amount_formatted]