About 2 hours - I used the VBlogetin importer as a guide and tweaked it from there. I had some 1,000 comments and used categories for my blogs; so I had to figure out how to map these into personal categories (created personal categories for everyone who had a blog in a public category on my system).
Feedback is mixed; users liked having public categories and an easier interface to finding other people's blogs based on subject. I'll give it another week to see if it sticks.
It seems my users are not too happy with the new format; looks like I'll be going back to my custom version. My users like being able to maintain several blogs and the "category" format of vB's blog doesn't allow them to easily see other blogs of the same type.
For example, we have Bodybuilding blogs and others like reading blogs in the same category; by not having standardized categories to choose from our users don't have any idea who is maintaining a bodybuilding blog or a personal blog.
Might need to "hack" vB's blog before I can go live with it.