Originally Posted by Simon Moon
Make sure when using this in 3.6.8 or later to not blindly copy the template edits. The templates have a bit more in them in the 3.6.8 than the installation shows. Essentially, just search for
and replace it with
<if condition="$show['customstatusicon']">$forum[customicon]<else />$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif</if>
That does the trick already and leaves the rest untouched in the templates. Mainly the id of the forum is removed with just copy pasting it, which can be very tricky if you have some style that depends on this.
Thank you for highlighting this...
I haven't had a chance to port any of my modifications to the latest version as I haven't even had the time to renew my licences yet
I plan to do this after I get back from Holiday in October, so expect a new update confirmed to work on whatever the latest version is in approximately mid-October time