Originally Posted by Ice794
Edit: Also, when I remove the file functions_mgc_cb, my board will not run.
I get this error:
Therefore I have to leave it on my server in order to keep my forum working. Any idea what's causing this problem? I have uninstalled just as the instructions say.
If I do leave that file on the server, will it make my board vunerable at all?
That's because the product-mgc_chatbox file that you imported is still active. I just checked, and there are some "require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_mgc_cb.php');" which force the file to be included - if it's not found, and can't be included, the script stops, and the relative (or is it absolute?) path is shown. Disabling, or uninstalling the product should fix it. Don't forget that there are two products that you'd have to disable/uninstall.