Hi there Guys,
Thought I would give this plug-in a whirl, I am having a tiny problem which I'm sure is something simple and has been mentioned by someone going back 5 or so pages but was unable to see a definitive answer.
I can get to the donate page without any problem, the navbar option appears as expected however when I don't seem to be able to bring up the donation page.
When I go to the following which looks correct by my eyes it brings up the smilies instead.
Also under 'Quick Links' > 'Misc' there doesn't appear to be any donating related links as expected.
Any idea's would be great? I cleared my cookies, cache etc, tried IE and FF to no avail, even jumped on another couple of machines with the same result.
Edit: Sorry guys, figured it out, I didn't put the admin group in the groups to view the donator page, silly mistake but all is good now..