Originally Posted by Reece^B
Just to say, installed and I won't be using.
Your default language should have been English, the install guide was poor I mean there's no need to abbreviate folder names.
Lastly when I went to integrate with my vBa CMPS I got a lovely SQL error.
I don't see why english should have been the default language... What if every people with a different language say so ? I decided to make french the default language as it's easier for my development and then I provide the english translation so I don't see where the problem is.
Regarding the folder names this is done in order to provide something generic regarding languages. And the install guide state which files is found in which directory so you shouldn't have any problems...
Regarding your error in vBa CMPS, someone reported that problem once here but as I am not very very used to vBa, I don't know what the problem is and was unable to reproduce it unfortunately.