Originally Posted by LiftNw8
I installed this hack on my new forum talknepa.com and I am getting what I think is an error, the post bit is appearing twice in my sidebar with all my info and twice in the profile, why would it do this and how do I correct it.
Originally Posted by LiftNw8
So by removing the edit I made in the one of the locations will ie, postbit or postbit_legacy, navbar template or Member Info, which one of these is the location that will remove the extra, I am guessing the MEMBER INFO, would this be correct.
Yes. The installation instructions are confusing. In most cases, just installing the product will take care of template edits automatically. The instructions tell you to make some manual changes but they should say "ONLY if the automatic edits fail".
I made the same mistake at first. Just go back and reverse all the manual edits and you should be fine.