Site Name: The World of Necrotania, Writing Community
Site URl:
Description: We are a writing community that focuses on the Fantasy and Science Fiction Genres, though we accept most any type of work. We offer a place for aspiring authors to post there works and get valuable feedback, as well as a place for readers to find new interests.
Reason for Nomination: We are somewhat unique in our approach to handling stories in that we use eFiction as our archive solution. This integration is nearly seamless, providing not only a single login to the site but consistent look across all areas by using a custom skin that pulls from the vBulletin templates.
In addition, the link now works both ways, providing random stories in vBulletin, as well as a list of the authors posted stories in there profile. The profile page is still being reworked and will soon contain all information on that author; the eventual goal is to replace the eFiction profile page with vBulletin.
vBAdvanced acts as the portal page, providing recently added stories and updated news items on the sites growth.
Since the site opened in 2002 we have constantly evolved and grown into a place that I am very proud to call my corner of the web.