custom plugin breaks profile pics
Hi. I made a plugin that, when active, breaks the profile pics. I am trying to figure out why, so I can fix it.
It has a MySql table with 4 columns (num, headline, news, category) that I added to the vBulletin database.
The php code checks postback; if yes, insert.
Then it always selects the last record. (code below)
thanks for any assistance
$postback = $_POST["postback"];
if ($postback=="yes") { // new input, so insert
$cNewsHeadline = $_POST["headline"];
$cNewsNews = $_POST["news"];
$insertNews= $db->query_write("INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX ." cNews (headline, news) VALUES ('".$cNewsHeadline."','".$cNewsNews."')");
$NewsResult=$db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cNews ORDER BY num DESC LIMIT 1");
$cRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($NewsResult);
$cNewsContent= "<form action='index.php' method='post'><input type='text' name='headline' value='".$cRow['headline']."'><BR>";
$cNewsContent=$cNewsContent."<INPUT TYPE='text' size='80' NAME='news' value='".$cRow['news']."'><BR>";
$cNewsContent=$cNewsContent."<INPUT TYPE='submit'>";
$cUserNewsContent= "<table><tr><td class='thead'><font color='#6600FF'>".$cRow['headline']."</font></td></tr>";
$cUserNewsContent=$cUserNewsContent."<tr><td class='smallfont'>".$cRow['news']."</td></tr></table>";