Originally Posted by Dannyloski
Alright guys, sorry I have been super busy with School and other personal things ... Now, let me replies to those posts made ...
Saviour, to your latest post (#630) I say this: The Geek (author of this Hack/Mod) has some personal issues and matters he has to take care before he can come back and keep supporting this Hack. If you would go back a few pages you would find all of this info available for you. In the meantime, I am doing most of the Support for this Hack (up to where I can as I am not the author and do not know how all of the Hack's Functions work). I am doing this for free as well and I dont have to do it, but I am because I wanna help others. So please just be patient as I too have a life and am not going to be 24/7 in the computer adding support to this Hack that's not even mine. With that said, to your previous post (#627) I say this: Please download the Attached .XML for Joe Cartoon Videos and you can enjoy the Videos from JoeCartoon.com in your Forums :up:
- Danny
Thanks...I imported the XML, however, I want to show the cartoons in the post, but somewhere along the line, it's not working...am I missing something?
BTW...thank you so much for giving it a shot...