Alright guys, sorry I have been super busy with School and other personal things ... Now, let me replies to those posts made ...
SKULL1985, per your request (I am sure a lot of people will enjoy these RegExs) I have added both of the requested sites. Please download the attached ESPN Videos and SpikedHumor Videos XMLs and Import them via the Import Tool of AMECP (
AdminCP > AMECP > Import). Enjoy!
DiesellMinded, I looked at their code and missed something important - they update their Video Directories on a daily basis. For example one day the Video is hosted in the folder
09030202PM then the next day they host it in
09040517PM or similar folder. If you follow it, the Directory Name changes by Date and Time Access of the Video. So everytime the a Video is loaded they move it to a new/different directory so that people dont do what we are doing, which is Hot Linking and taking their Bandwidth. The only way around this would be with the Extract Info Feature where an additional RegEx would come into play to extract the new directory of the Video each time it's accessed, but like you already know, I do not know how the Extract Info Feature works so EHOWA cannot be supported at this time. I really apologize as I know not many of the sites you have requested have been able to get done due to the need of the Extract Info Feature and you donated towards the license fee, but I have tried my best and have had no luck with the Feature - I just dont get it. Again, sorry ...
cclaerhout, you are correct on both of your posts. First of all, would require the use of the Extract Info Feature and at this point I do not know how it works, so I cannot add support for those sites who require it. And finally, yea this Hack at the moment does not work with vB Blogs - that's something that The Geek (author of the Hack) would have to code or do something to accomplish it - I cannot do that.
Saviour, to your latest post (#630) I say this: The Geek (author of this Hack/Mod) has some personal issues and matters he has to take care before he can come back and keep supporting this Hack. If you would go back a few pages you would find all of this info available for you. In the meantime, I am doing most of the Support for this Hack (up to where I can as I am not the author and do not know how all of the Hack's Functions work). I am doing this for free as well and I dont have to do it, but I am because I wanna help others. So please just be patient as I too have a life and am not going to be 24/7 in the computer adding support to this Hack that's not even mine. With that said, to your previous post (#627) I say this: Please download the Attached .XML for
Joe Cartoon Videos and you can enjoy the Videos from in your Forums :up:
chadi, I think I am the only one adding Support via XML's at the moment and nope I still dont understand the Extract Info Feature, so cannot be added and will NOT be added until The Geek comes back and either does a Tutorial on how that Feature works or does those RegExs himself. As far as aligning the Video Frame to the Left instead of having it Centered, you can go here:
Admin CP> AMECP > Settings > Container HTML > Open ... Now where you see
<div align="center"> change it to
<div align="left"> ... Hope that helps. Get back at me if it doesnt with the whole code you have in the "Open" Box - Mine is modified, so it may be a bit different than yours.
Now, I think that's everything ... If I missed someone's posts sorry, didnt mean to just kinda busy and wanted to reply quickly ... Get at me if you have any questions by posting here or via PMs, but I'd prefer posting here. Good luck guys and hope you all enjoy the New RegExs ... Keep the request coming and when I get some time I'll add them (if they dont require the Extract Info Feature that is

) ...
- Danny