Originally posted by DoST
1)*Please answer this one, it's the most important one* How can I sort order of the list by "date posted" ?
Not sure what you mean by date posted. If you mean the date the thread was started, then you would use
for the $ob variable. Otherwise I'll need a bit more explanation.
2) This is not so important but I'll appreciate if you can answer. How can I display different messages by the number of replies? Like "Go Reply" if there are no replies, "1 Reply" if there is 1, "X Replies" if there are more ... I think you get the idea.
while ($threads = mysql_fetch_array($tr)) {
// are we going to show the message too?
and replace it with
while ($threads = mysql_fetch_array($tr)) {
if ($threads[replycount] == 0) {
$replyword = "Go Reply";
} elseif ($threads[replycount] == 1) {
$replyword = "One Reply";
} elseif ($threads[replycount] > 1) {
$replyword = $threads[replycount]." Replies";
// are we going to show the message too?