Originally Posted by Hendrizius
Works like a charm!
Another suggestion: you should make this shoutbox integrateable into the left or right columns of the VBadvanced index. That were another awesome addon for portal Users : ).
This would require a full addon development and I don't really have the time for that sorry.
Maybe in the future but not right now.
Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
I did and got the help, thank you. However I still have a problem a few posts back that you must have missed. And that is -
The chatbox continues to get hungup on the forumhome. the round refresh image between the text line and the OK button just keeps going round and round and round. The only way to break the cycle is to click on the Archives link, be taken to the Chat archives, then go back to forumhome, where the chatbox will then load.
We have to do this almost every time we open forumhome.
Any ideas what to do?
Hum that's strange, maybe this is the main 1.4 problem which is causing that but not sure.
Any javascript error shown in the internet explorer status bar ?
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Unfortunately i couldn't able to translate the whole AdminCP phrases but the rest of the lines are done.
Turkish Language file for MGC Chatbox
Somebody may complete my work if he likes...
As a matter of fact, bocek from here has completed your work but I didn't had the time to release it due to my personnal problems.
But it will of course be integrated in the 1.5 version