This is wierd. I have a variable within a string.
Basically I am setting a query string in a variable, then executing that variable.
$sbc_ban_query = "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."userban` VALUES ($sbc_poster,$sbc_p_group,$sbc_display,'','0',$sbc_bot_userid,".time().", 0, '$sbc_ban_message')";
The problem is, for some reason the $sbc_ban_message is not returning a value during the query, though the variable is set well before it, so it's returning a
BLANK value, so there's no ban reason at all.
I got very confused by this and had it PM me the query. To my surprise the message WAS there and I never changed the value of the query string. I even ran the query to PHPmyAdmin and it executes correctly with all the correct values.
I can't figure out why the query string is "apparently" blank before the query, but when I echo/PM it to myself, it's all visible.
Is there something I am totally missing?