I would love to see a couple changes to this mod.
1) Ability to assign a absolute path to the itemstats directory and/or xmlcache directory. I use VBadvanced and do not have my forums in the same directory as my "entry" page. I had to do a minor edit to ensure everything loaded every time.
2) I'd like to see support for the [itemico] tag (shows the item icon vs. the text [Epix Item blah] in the post).
Other than that, this is pretty slick not needing to edit the files directly to get it working.
Last thing, the view_cache, clear_cache etc files need the config.php edited to match your vbulletin install (and gitemstats table) or you cannot perform the maintenance actions. Perhaps you might want to hook these into the VBulletin information as well with the next release (should be just hacking the config.php file).