Originally Posted by bluechris
Hi guys, after long watching why the markers doesnt show i went to conclusion that something is affecting the page to show the markers.
So i tried to remove things from the page and finally i managed to Show the map correctly including the markers and all the rest info.
The thing i did is going to my templates and i edited the VBGOOGLEMAPME template by removing the $footer in the end of the file.
I still doesnt know why the footer does the tricks (i try now to remove elements from footer) to the Addon but honestly im damn happy that all working fine.. i suppose some hack or addon interfears with the API or something simillar.
The same trick for me worked for the HotSpot Edition also and the only problem i have now in both addons is the if you add Greek things in your Entry they show in the map as Japanese... well i suppose i can leave with this for a bit of time.
I hope i helped some people.
This single reference, out of 32 pages, regarding the deletion of the $footer from the vbgooglemapme template has sorted my installation, thanks a million. Although I have absolutely no idea why it makes the markers appear...
Thanks again.