Originally Posted by chadi
That linked worked me. Double check your settings. If you need help you can PM your details and I'll take a look.
Originally Posted by trickfly
I've installed it but I cant see the M tag on my WYSIWYG text box when I reply to a post or start a new topic ?
To see the M tag you need to to the template edits. But its not needed if you're not going to use attachments. I'll make this an automated process later so no template edits are needed.
Originally Posted by chronoshift
Man this thing is awesome - have you ever considered making something like this as a stand alone script? I'd purchase it instantaneously.
Thanks! I still have a lot planned for it.
Originally Posted by b4p
videos from College Humor have no THUMB, which really sux!!
If they have no thumb either I didn't do them yet or more then likely they are near impossible to get working. If you don't see the default thumb and a red x thats different.