Originally Posted by coberr
Hm, I thought if it is possible to add tags automaticlly when thread is posted or to check for all new threads every 1h and add tags automaticlly.
I think that second thing can be done.
I'll be the first to admit I don't know the tags system as well as some others, but unless I've overlooked that feature... the only way I know to add generated tags is through a submit process within the Zoints Tag Manager in the vB Admin CP.
Originally Posted by G3MM4
Well, yes and no... there would have to be a way for the system not to tag words such as 'and', 'is', 'or' etc and for it to select important words that are relevant to the thread topic. If that could be done then I'd like to see this added in.
The automatically generated tags process allows you to define certain words in a stop list (like and, but, of, etc) to strip out from the tags being generated. Even then though, the tags aren't going to be as relevant if done by your users.