Skip - I run a fishing forum too, with roughly similar traffic. Making less money now than I was for 4 months in the winter time. I've seen the quality of the ads tank a bit and they are certainly paying less - going from 20-35 per day to 2-5 per day. Thems the breaks with forums. Your users are becoming blinded to the ads too...
While my site is not anywhere near where I expect it to be, it is a lot easier on the eyes than your site. I would recommend you look through come of the skins available for vbadvanced and the forum and get one nicer on the eyes. It will only help the board. I imagine you could go another step and have two different versions of the same style. Instead of High Bandwidth - Low Bandwidth Choices, you could have 20/20 Vision style and Geezer styles
I would recommend reducing some of the ads and changing the style. If the ad style is hurting, you may not be getting the return you could hope for.
Good luck