I am having problems getting the last 10 to show up on my web page from my include file into the first page of my website harborsailing.com . I am hosted on an apache server at hostrocket.
I tried to include the last20.php file in a .shtml file, .shm file, and a .php file, all without complete success.
I was concerned that part of my problems could be due to .htaccess: I saw on a thread elsewhere that I could edit the .htaccess file to include the following:
AddType text/html .shtml .shtm .html .htm
AddHandler server-parsed .html .shtml .shtm .htm
and that maybe that would work for adding .php too.
My past experience with .htaccess indicated to me that as soon as it is loaded onto the website by ftp, it disappears. But I was able to set my Leap ftp going to options-->preferences-->view to show hidden files.
I created a .htaccess file with the prescription above and put it in my public_html folder (there had been none there).
What I tried:
1. In .shmtl type files
When I used
<!--#include file="last10/last10.php"-->
<!--#include virtual="last10/last10.php"-->
(with or without a first "/") and
placed them in files with a .shtml ending I got unparsed included files showing up as raw php code.
With .stm I got a directory index and when I clicked on the index file, I got the same as above.
Incidentally, this is the same thing I get when I try to access to included page directly:
2. In .php type files
Then I tried changing my own main index file name to end in .php (the include was on the first page). And I tried this code:
<?php include("last10/last10.php"); ?>
But when I did that nothing showed up for the include (with or without a first "/").
I also tried including the full
http:// address with the same result of not showing up.
I tried putting the include in the header, in the body, and after the body. Did I need to call it? If so, maybe that is why I saw nothing.