Originally Posted by Alibass
In my other custom skins I see your postbit_onetouchban template installed. I did not have $template_hook[postbit_user_popup] in my custom skins postbit templates so I added it in the location you suggested and reinstalled your mod, but I still cannot get the One-touch Ban & Clean option in the postbit drop down menu of my custom skins to work.
Hmm, strange. I don't know enough about the template hook system to comment, but I would have thought that just adding the hook would be enough, but maybe there's more to it than that. Well at least you've resolved the problem manually in any case.
Originally Posted by hobbystoresearc
mysql 4.0.27
Ok, that is a problem. I just checked and 4.0 doesn't support sub queries. I strongly suggest you upgrade to mysql 4.1 or later (or encourage your host to do so). I may change the product pre-requisites so that it won't install if you have mysql 4.0.
Originally Posted by Apophis
The product installed okay, but I do have a rather strange result:
In the postbit pull-down (I use the legacy postbit) I see the "One Touch Ban & Clean" option for the FIRST post in the thread. On the SECOND post in the thread I see that option twice in the pull-down, for the THIRD post I see it three times. etc. etc. etc.
Any ideas?
This is most strange. The relevant code can be found in the plugin called "Insert into templates" at postbit_display_start:
eval('$template_hook[postbit_user_popup] .= " ' . fetch_template('postbit_onetouchban') . '";');
The php concatenation operator ".=" is used there. This means, append the contents, rather than replace them. This seems to work correctly on other systems, but I've no idea why it isn't working on yours. Basically what is happening is that something else should resetting that hook on each iteration, but that isn't happening, so this hook keeps growing and growing as you proceed down the page. Are you running an older version of vbulletin (bug maybe?) or perhaps another hack is causing this behaviour?
You can work around it by changing the ".=" to just "=" but this will kill any other mods that might be using this template hook (though you probably don't have any).