I'm stil trying to get this working properly, I also have a few questions about how this plugin works. At the end of each email message it says:
"You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting the forums where this was sent from and requesting not to receive emails from administrators any more."
Is this text hard-coded in the PHP files? I couldn't find it in the phrases. If so can you please add an option to change or customise this - I already have a more user-friendly notice on the bottom of my emails and I don't want this on there.
Secondly, what happens to a mailing if it gets stuck or times out in the middle somewhere? Our current mailer solution (not in VB) allows us to continue mailing from the point that it timed out, so we can ensure no users get repeat emails. Our test mailings in 'Review Campaigns' have some failed emails (with valid addresses though) - do subsequent crons try to send these failed emails or is that it?
Also, it would be nice if the campaign stats kept track of how many bounces there were
