I don't know where to begin...blogtorank has got to be the most kind, generous, helpful person I've yet to meet on the internet. He's offered his valuable time to help me out and get this running.
Let's see...I've had to move servers b/c it was poorly configured which is why we couldn't get the script running properly. Before we moved though, blog had put in around 32 hours to go through my server and see where the problems were and to see if he could fix them. Sadly, the server was just straight effed that there was nothing we could do but move.
I asked for him to help me get my new servers properly configured and secured (for a fee of course

happy to pay for great help anytime). He's been helping configure, troubleshoot, find bugs, and get everything running as smoothly as possible...STILL to this minute. He put in a full 24 hours...that's right, no sleep yesterday, to help me get the server up and running. We got it up and everything was running smoothly until my site received a bunch of SYN attacks on our database server.
At this moment, he's STILL helping me out and I just wanted to let everyone know how much of a help this guy is! I've never seen such dedication! So all in all...he's prolly put in 60+ hours into help me and my site and on top of that, he's been able to release fixes to his mods that had security vulns.
Amazing work! Hats off to my man blogtorank. I hope to see this on one of your blogs as a testimonial to customer support and satisfaction