Originally Posted by cynthetiq
okay, so if there are no "good coders" here anymore where did they go?
Most of the good coders did not like the idea when the site decided to introduce the "paid script service", they where mostly against this idea and decided they would not support hacks for free here anymore. Some where for the idea, but only because they saw this as an opertunity to stop offering help for free and instead charge people. Either way, it was a negative thing for getting free help here after that service was put in place.
Originally Posted by cynthetiq
did they stop coding all together? Or just leave because of board politics?
Same as above really. Some may still be here, but nothing like in the capacity is was before.
Originally Posted by cynthetiq
vb.org doesn't have any monopoly on where scripts originate from what I can see. it's not like anyone of these best coders created something like bestvbcoders.com forums.
No, but they do have the power if the scripts are advertised here too:
[1] Archive them.
[2] Remove them from download if they feel a security issue is found until the aurthor fixes them. What would happen if GARS was released here and vB.org felt there were issues to warrent removing it from download. SAm the aurthor would not be involved anymore as aurthor to fix the issues. So what happens in that situation?
Which means they have the power over the scripts once there released here really!
Originally Posted by cynthetiq
all of us involved in forums know that personalities/characters fall off over years, sometimes it is because of life, others because of "it's not like the good old days" waxing nostalgic.
Thats true, but it has been very obvious over the past six months or so that things have really changed around here since the "paid script service" was introduced. People are just not willing to give there help for free anymore like they used too. And because of this - people have started to lose interest in the site. It's just not the helpful site it once was where you could post a problem and get an answer the same day. To many people now see the paid script service as a way of making money and feel. Why offer free help anymore!
Originally Posted by cynthetiq
as we have recently had this convo on one of the forums I moderate, it is up to the community at large to contribute. It is up to the old timers to help the newbies adjust to the way that the community was chartered.
Stop waxing nostalgic about the past, and help preserve it in the future by contributing.
As far as GARS is concerned, I was seriously just contemplating purchasing it and sleeping on it overnight. I missed that window of opportunity, at the same time I'm glad because if I had any issues I'd not be able to have any help from the author. I can also see in their forums that their community isn't so responsive to the rest since it was mostly the geek who did the heavy lifting. He even complains about that himself in his crisis thread. Only upon the threat of turning over the scripts or abandoning them completely does anyone step forward.
But the guy was a top coder, yes it was a real struggle for him on his own to support them. But he was in a different class of coder. I have to agree in saying I do
not think it would be such a good idea to release his hacks here for free for a lot of reasons. I personally feel he should try to find a skilled coder who is willing to take over the projects, and perhaps come to some agreement were he gets a small percentage of the sales from the new owner for everyone sold.
Lets face it. It sounds like he needs the money.