Originally Posted by Twisted Chaos
Well i see this hack as beneficial... could you make it so that it would email the actual email address about the account info and what not...
I could use this to make memberships for my clans members and remove the registration moderation stuff...  ...well actually disable the whole registration period aside from this...
registration by admin only... sweet deal there... lol
Please???? lol thanx
my email address is amysticallegend at hotmail dot com
the url to my forums is www dot leagueofeight dot com
the php file will be in the root. ex. www dot leagueofeight dot com / rpc_users.php
Do see the rpc_users.php here, which you can set the options adminemail to 1

this will turn on e-mail receiving globally when you set this to 1 rather than 0
PHP Code:
$userdm->set('username', $username); // NO NEED TO TOUCH THIS.
$userdm->set('email', $email); // NO NEED TO TOUCH THIS.
$userdm->set('password', $password); // NO NEED TO TOUCH THIS.
$userdm->set('usergroupid', 2); // Registered Users Group ID
$userdm->set('ipaddress', ''); // NO NEED TO TOUCH THIS.
$userdm->set('referrerid', 'SomeNameHere'); // PUT A USERNAME OF SOMEONE AS A REFERER HERE
$userdm->set('timezoneoffset', '0'); // TIMEZONE
$userdm->set_bitfield('options', 'adminemail', 0); // RECIEVE E-MAIL FROM ADMIN? YES OR NO 1 OR 0 WE PUT IT AS 0 FOR YOU
So you are asking if I could make you an actual exe in respect to your forums, since you have no .NET development??