Originally Posted by Loco.M
use the censer feature maybe ?
Hmm there is a problem with this.
their domain is say "food.com" and my domain is say "goodfood.com" so everytime someone posts and quotes my site it does this "good********" which is no good.
Originally Posted by Paul M
Sounds a good way to start a site war ......
Replacement variables will do what you want.
Yes, I agree, which is not what I want but I'm concerned this site will do well, althouhg the site is newer their domain has sat on google for ages so it gets a higher ranking which means ppl will most likely find the new site 1st.
Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
I'll take a look at this, all im trying to do is reduce any linkage this new site may get.
Is this potentially a bad thing to do?