Hi everyone. I'm pleasantly surprised by high number of installs (40 so far) in just a few hours. I'll answer some of your questions below.
Originally Posted by stone0075
Sweet mfyvie! I like it... installed
you should add + Email ban..
Well I could do that, but if you configure your vbulletin to not allow duplicate email addresses, then when the spammer is banned, the email address can't be reused anyway....
Originally Posted by Loco.M
Just wondering how this is different from the Spam Deciminator ?
Well I don't really want to criticise other mods, but I took a look at spam decimator just before I decided to write this mod (I didn't know about it, but had come up with the concept for a mod I wanted). I felt there were some unnecessary features, and that it was also missing features I really needed like deleting PMs, etc. I saw that many people had asked for these features, but that the mod wasn't being upgraded or worked on. Therefore I decided to write this mod instead. Another difference is that my mod is a single .xml install which fully uses the plugin system (something I aim for in all my mods).
Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
I have the option in the user's profile but not in the postbit drop menu. Could this be because I am using postbit_legacy?
Could you just post the posbit template addition so I can manually add it?
Well, I don't really have to post it because it is in a separate template. Simply look for the template called postbit_onetouchban and copy and paste the contents.
That said however, it might be better to find out WHY this didn't work. Most likely you are missing the correct template hook (either because you deleted it or have failed to revert templates when upgrading VB).
Check through your template (postbit) look for
$template_hook[postbit_user_popup] - it should be right at the end, just before the final </table> tag. If it's not there, add it - but better would be ask yourself WHY it isn't there. These hooks should be in the templates of all recent versions of vbulletin. Other hacks may use them as well.
Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
Excellent modification. Thank you.
I agree, having an option to ban any/all registration and post IPs of the user would be nice as well.
I've put in an option for the forthcoming 1.1 release which automatically bans the IP used in registration. But some people are telling me they want to see lists of other users using that IP. I'm not sure I want to go into all the post IPs as well - I'm trying to keep this mod simple, without bogging it down with silly options.
Originally Posted by Alibass
*INSTALLED* very nice hack mfyvie as always.
The drop postbit menu works fine with default vB skin but not with my custom skins. Can you post code for that?
See my answer above, you probably don't have the correct hooks in your custom skins, add them and the problem will be resolved.
Originally Posted by epoc fitness
Will this allow moderators and supermod to only perform soft deleted or perm deletes. I would hate for a moderator to get pissed off one day and just delete people and all their posts.
Please read the description of this mod (at the top of this page, with bullet points listed) which specifically answers the questions you've just asked. You've clicked install, so just look at the settings for the mod in your admincp and your questions will also be answered.