chadi, unfortunately GodTube requires the Extract Info Feature for it to work. I had checked it out earlier today as I saw your request post, but didnt do it because of this. Let me explain why it cant be done (unless the Extract Info Feature is used).
Here is a Video's Link from GodTube:
HTML Code:
Here's the Embed Code for the Above Video:
HTML Code:
<embed src="" FlashVars="videoThumb=" wmode="transparent" quality="high" width="330" height="270" name="flv_demo" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /></embed>
As you can see the
Video's Link is
nowhere to be seen inside the
Embed Code, so it would need the use of the Extract Info Feature to extract the
Actual URL for the Video and use it in the
Embed Code.
If you look at the Embed Code you see that the
Actual URL for the Video is:
HTML Code:
I cannot create the
Actual URL for the Video (Above URL) from the
Video's Link via RegEx's ... It would need the feature that The Geek (author of this Hack) added, which is the Extract Info Feature. What this feature does is it opens up the
Video's Link Page and searches (with an extra RegEx) for the
Actual URL for the Video, so that then it can be added into the Embed Code and make the Video work/show up. I understand the concept and how it works, but not how to make it actually work.
I hope this helps a little so people know which sites can be added and which cant at this point - by me at least.