Originally Posted by DiesellMinded
I have an Adult pass word protected area and users must have the over 18 BD in there profile to even see the forum is there ,
No Biggie at all ,,,
I still dont see any Videos on that site, point me in the right direction and I will see if I can do the RegEx for them.
Originally Posted by WEBclay
Received, thank you. I checked out Sclipo.com, but it needs the Extract Info Feature in order for it to work. Since I still dont understand how that works even after several hours of trying to understand it and testing with no results, I guess I cant add support for it just yet.
Anyways, attached are a couple of new RegEx's for those who want to use 'em ... I checked a couple pages back and saw that some people wanted these. For more info on each RegEx see below ...
WMV Files: It will auto convert Files with an extension of .wmv ... These can be either files uploaded to your server or on other servers. Simply input the Direct URL to the File (ie:
http://yoursite.com/videos/vid.wmv) into the Text Box on vB and it will display the Video. NOTE: I had previously released this, but found a small error on it, so please delete the old one and replace it with this one.
RealMedia Files: It will auto convert Files with an extension of .rm or .ram ... These can be either files uploaded to your server or on other servers. Simply input the Direct URL to the File (ie:
http://yoursite.com/files/filaname.rm) into the Text Box on vB and it will display the Video. NOTE: I had previously released this, but found a small error on it, so please delete the old one and replace it with this one.
DivShare (Videos): It will auto convert Video Files from DivShare.com ... The only down side is that you have to choose if you want to see Videos or Audio from DivShare on your Forums. If you install this RegEx you cannot install DivShare (Audio) - It will cause an error.
DivShare (Audio): It will auto convert Audio Files from DivShare.com ... The only down side is that you have to choose if you want to see Videos or Audio from DivShare on your Forums. If you install this RegEx you cannot install DivShare (Videos) - It will cause an error.
MTV Videos: It will auto convert Videos from MTV (
http://www.mtv.com/overdrive) ... MTV allows the Embedding of certain Videos only. So if you see a message such as "This video available only on MTV.com, your next video will begin shortly" then that means that MTV has disabled Embedding on outside sites for that specific Video. It will give you the link to view the video on MTV.com.
SWF Files: It will auto convert Files with an extension of .swf ... These can be either files uploaded to your server or on other servers. Simply input the Direct URL to the File (ie:
http://yoursite.com/files/video.swf) into the Text Box on vB and it will display the Video.
MP3 Files: It will auto convert Files with an extension of .mp3 ... These can be either files uploaded to your server or on other servers. Simply input the Direct URL to the File (ie:
http://yoursite.com/music/filename.mp3) into the Text Box on vB and it will play the MP3 File in a Small Player.