I'm sorry for being offline such a long time
My Reallife ripped my a...... wonderful day it is, isn't it?
So, let me try to get you all a working hide-hack
Just upload any image you find suitable to images/editor of your forum, then add that image at ACP->Own vB Codes ->[<EDIT>] hide in the filepath to image field like so : images/editor/ed-hide.gif
and safe, you're done
(ed-hide.gif you'll find in post #74 of this thread:
please go to ACP->Own vB Codes ->[<EDIT>] hide and the click on save without the need of editing anything.
I'm sorry threadid whilst installing my hack???
Never heard of such......
The only query that's beeing called whilst installing my hack is an entry for the Own vB Codes section.
Maybe I got you wrong
well, this hack IS NOT OPEN SOURCE in the GNU sense of words, so please keep in mind that I do not support edits that I do not have made myself.
I do not like my hacks being edited other than a language conversion..
Thank You.
you're welcome
nice thought, but it should be set to "NO"

it's all that hitting the save button again
(I have no clue about that bug...)
Well, seems to me like
a) you do not use my hack
b) you've edited around
please uninstall my hack and reinstall with a fresh download and check again.
wow, maybe that's an issue with the RTL style, I cannot test at this very moment,
because I do not have any testing area.
I'll try to set one up to make sure it is NOT RTL...
nevertheless, please try a reinstall in the meantime
exactly! if you do not upload any editor-image you'll have to type the tag manually
(that's the way I like it aha aha *sing along*)
But feel free to upload ed-hide.gif to the images/editor folder of your forum then
follow the instructions I just gave to qqqqw
Did I missed someone?
please ask again
thanks alot for your patience