Originally Posted by MicroHellas
You don't need a coder to chane a phrase or word 
Sadly, I do, I'm a marketer by trade, I don't even touch templates, it's all voodoo to me
From what I can see it looks as if all the basics are already there and working at this point, the only additions needed would be VBSEO and the ability for users to rate articles.
I would be tempted to grab vbarticles as it seems to have the missing features bar the VBSEO, can I ask if we installed the current version of either vbarticles or vbjournal and you then upgraded them in the next version to VBSEO, would we be able to upgrade, implement the VBSEO option and still retain all our articles, comments etc or would we have to start from scratch with the new version? Would the existing articles then all have URL's VBSEO Style?
The only reason I'm now hesitant to buy vbarticles is your saying vbjournal is going to be better, so your free s/w is going to surpass your paid for software. What would be the benefit of purchasing vbarticles if vbjournal is about to supercede it and it will allow you to have the vbnews functionality. Did I miss something? As it's for our business $50 is irrrelevant essentially so I'm more than happy to pay for vbarticles, but I don't want to get something which isn't as good as something your about to make here for free.
Do you have a timescale your prepared to divulge for the addition of VBSEO and ability for users to rate articles, and will VBJournal allow for users to post their own comments or just to rate the article>?
Also in my initial post I asked could people upload images/video in vbjournal to which you said only in vbarticles, can I clarrify, can vbjournal allow images, but not video, we could manage without video.
Thanks again for your time Maria, greatly appreciated.