Hi Maria,
I have a few questions, perhaps you could advise me of whether this application can support it whether I would be better of with vbarticles.
What I want is a mod that allows a few well known authors I know to be able to upload their own articles as opposed to allowing everybody to upload articles, can I control the ability to upload / edit an article by usergroup or similar? I don't want all users to be able to upload articles only view them.
Where we have things like "Breaking articles, important articles" etc can my coder rename those, ie is it doable?
Where it says "catagories" could I change that text to say "authors" ?
Where you have catagories such as Songs , Education etc, What I would prefer is to actually set those as the authors names, so instead of "songs" I would have the authors name with a litttle information on that author underneath. I will only be having about 5 - 10 authors submitting articles, I would also like to replace the current images for catagories with the images of the authors.
Although this is not as important i would like users to be able to rate (perhaps with a star system) the authors articles, and ideally to be able to allow registered users to comment on the articles.
How is it with SE, is it VBSEO compatible? When you add an article , is there a place to add basic html tags such as <TITLE> etc so if the content is spidered it will place something reasonably descriptive in front of the search engine user.
Does it allow the authors to upload images/video?
Do we get full control of what goes into " important articles , editors choice " etc etc. Or is important articles based on say "total views" etc.
I don't mind purchase vbarticles if this can't do it but would like to know what you suggest..