Originally Posted by mark99
I'll hold off installing this until MPDev has had a chance to check it out with vB3.6.8 but it looks like an excellent mod  .
Are there any significant changes between 3.6.7 and 3.6.8 that would lead you to believe that this mod might not work? There should be no reason why this mod will not with future versions of VB, there is no need for MPDev to test it with every single new version before people install it.
Originally Posted by bulbasnore
I'm on 3.6.7pl1 btw. I like the pairs/couples whitelisting idea, too
I just wanted to make a comment about the pairs/couples whitelisting idea that has been suggested on this thread. In the forthcoming version I have decided not to implement this feature. Why not? There's no easy way to offer it via a user interface. The old (current) version exempts users by way of a list of userids in the vbulletin settings. However, this quickly becomes problematic if you have a big forum and big list. The forthcoming version exempts users via a field in their user record.
I can't think of any other way to implement the pair idea, without resorting to a manually entered list of userid pairs, which I decided not to do for the reasons listed above. Exemption of the users on an individual basis is the compromise.