Yeah guys, I'm doing this cause I feel like this is a great Hack/Mod and has a lot of potential. I mean Im not gonna be charging to do the RegEx's for you guys, I am simply requesting that you guys buy the License so I can do them for you guys. Everyone will benefit from this in the end.
I can add support for the sites that you guys want, except those who need/require the Extract Feature from AME - I am still waiting on The Geek to explain to me in detail how to use it. I took a look at the way he did it for Yahoo & DailyMotion and I think I understand how it works, but the only way to know for sure is if I have RegExBuddy. I promise though that if I figure out how it works, then I'll add support for those other sites as well.
Its only $39.95 USD, its not like its the cost of a vB License ... I am not gonna buy it with my own money because quite frankly that's absurd in my eyes. I would be spending my money to add support for sites I dont really even need? That's kinda just stupid, if you ask me. The only site that I want to add is, but it requires the Extract Feature of AME so I guess that's an incentive for me to figure out how it works, right?
Well, if anyone wants to donate then you can do so by sending any amount of money to - that's my PayPal ... Once the goal has been reached of $39.95 USD, I'll purchase the license and start the codes, etc. If you feel like donating to me cause of the Sites I have added support for thus far, that's accepted too

Some people have already contacted me via PMs or Emails asking for my PayPal so that they can donate (I still havent received anything), but I just replied to those about 2 hours ago, so yeah. I also received a few PMs from people who are willing to buy the License completely themselves and also allow me to release the codes publicly - others want me to keep the codes private for them only (no response from either of these groups yet as well). I really would like to offer these for free to everyone, but whoever buys the License decides, I guess ...