Originally Posted by Mr. Hoddz
I have installed but don't see how it would work.
Do I have to wrap tags around the UID of the video or something? Have tried many things and can't get anything.
It is all enabled but doesn't seem to make the video a video.
Digital Jedi explained it already. This Hack/Mod simply converts the Video's URL (as found in the Address Bar of your Browser) into the Actual Video that is suppose to be seen when you visit that link. There is no need to wrap any text or any code in any type of BBCode, etc. Simply copy the Video's URL from the Address Bar and paste it onto the Reply Box on your forums - its that easy! ... What links have you been trying that you say are not working?
Originally Posted by iogames
Wow! VH1 or MTV? 
lol yeah, those would be nice, wouldn't they ... I'll have to check and see if they need the Extract Feature or not ... Plus I need RegExBuddy