Originally Posted by mfyvie
Use the test script to troubleshoot the problem
The test script reads
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present: Failed - Flag file not found in
http://www.my domain.org/forum/images/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present: Failed - Flag file not found in
http://www.my domain.org/forum/images/misc/flags/
When I try to view it in my browser I get
You don't have permission to access /forum/images/misc/flags/ad.png on this server.
But it's there. I have no problem with /forum/images/misc/flags/us.png
Permissions are the same for ad as it is for us.
But still, looking at my latest error log I see
public_html/forum/images/misc/flags/.png <--- dot png. Is that normal?