Originally Posted by 1996 328ti
Does anyone get this 404 error in their logs?
Cannot find 'images/misc/flags/.png'
Otherwise GLA and flags in the who's online is fine.
Use the test script to troubleshoot the problem
Originally Posted by Mrdby
well my flags show up...BUT i get the error
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present: Failed - Flag file not found in http://>>>>.net/forum/images/kirsch/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present: Failed - Flag file not found in http://.....net/forum/images/kirsch/misc/flags/
I uploaded the flags under my mis for all styles..and only 1 style worked. Any ideas?
File permissions? directory permissions? ownership? Basically those flag files aren't being found in the location where they are expected. I'd recommend double checking it. Each style has a path set for the misc images (in the admincp), that's the same path where you need to add your flags directory.