Originally Posted by MicroHellas
Many flaws???? What is not working from those features that I'm saying that it has? Did I wrote anywhere that it has the "X" feature and you didn't found it or you found it but is not working??
I can't delte articles from vbjournal when already am havin all the permissions on YES.
If u delete ur own article jorunal won't confirm it. Last nite i incidently clicked on delete instead edit. And the article is gone.....
There is no way to find new articles posted on journal. U can't make every jorunal as breaking news, editor choise or important. There shuld b a function or feature from where a user can have the list of new articles since his last visit.
I m not sayin that vbjournal is not worth anything. This is a wonderful hack to have. And i can see my users posting new articles everyday. And it's really great thing if u want enhance ur search engine rankings.
But plzzz release the new version soon, atleast with basic features. i m not askin for features u have planned for later versions.