okay, so if there are no "good coders" here anymore where did they go?
did they stop coding all together? Or just leave because of board politics?
vb.org doesn't have any monopoly on where scripts originate from what I can see. it's not like anyone of these best coders created something like bestvbcoders.com forums.
all of us involved in forums know that personalities/characters fall off over years, sometimes it is because of life, others because of "it's not like the good old days" waxing nostalgic.
as we have recently had this convo on one of the forums I moderate, it is up to the community at large to contribute. It is up to the old timers to help the newbies adjust to the way that the community was chartered.
Stop waxing nostalgic about the past, and help preserve it in the future by contributing.
As far as GARS is concerned, I was seriously just contemplating purchasing it and sleeping on it overnight. I missed that window of opportunity, at the same time I'm glad because if I had any issues I'd not be able to have any help from the author. I can also see in their forums that their community isn't so responsive to the rest since it was mostly the geek who did the heavy lifting. He even complains about that himself in his crisis thread. Only upon the threat of turning over the scripts or abandoning them completely does anyone step forward.