I'm sure this gets requested a lot. But being able to change the orientation of the tables that display the game instructions would be nice. I did this manually, but it would nice to have a admin option, so I don't have to redo it with every update.
Also, maybe this is just me, I've never understood why all these game mods have to have the top scores, the most recent games, the most played games and all that table info on every page. If there were an option to show it on just the index page, and have all the category listings on separate pages without having to scroll to the bottom, then I'd love that. As it is, I kind of have to put indications that games are listed at the bottom of each page, and I think, from a design sense point-of-view, that's not the most efficient design.
Last but not least, there seems to be an aversion to uploading games to these download sites with a clear and concise list of game-play instructions. I don't know if it's possible, but if there were some way for the in-game instructions to be "read" during install and then posted in The Controls or Object section, I think that would be a plus for the modfication.