Originally Posted by puregraf
hey there! thank you i removed the line! but i am still running it using plugins, i turn my plugins off and the menu disapears. im trying to still figure out this <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="mycss.css">
i added it to my headersinclude, but dont i need to edit this code? like the mycss.cc dont i need to name this something else?
i really suck at this css stuff its sad 
Puregraf it looks like U have the html code placed correctly, next create css file with css code in it...
U can call the file whatever you like, but first use a editor and cut and paste code and add 2 your new css file...
Css code is within these tags... <style>code is here in upper part of TAB you are using
After cut and paste save file and name it, then insert name into code in headersinclude template...
HTML Code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="mycss.css">
This will work without using plugin
give it a go:up: