Originally Posted by MB-Soft
Thanks for the great Hack.
Clicked Install 
Originally Posted by SherryG
Awesome hack, thank you!
I just want to mention a very small issue. When changing the PM message, I got a syntax/database error if/when I used apostrophes in my message. I'm not sure if this is an issue with my server or what, but just thought I would mention it.
Can you report too me via PM of the error that it throws? So you don't have to paste the error message as in the public here? Seems there may be a issue with the server, but I'll help you out via PM if you send me the error it gives you.
Originally Posted by winpro19
Indeed a great hack however I'm getting database errors as well.
1. When I use an apostrophe in my message, I get a database error.
2. When it's enabled and I try to "Add User" to a paid subscription...
Please fix all these DB errors...
Thanks a lot for this great hack!
Well if you add a new user, this works right now off REAL transactions after they are made, because this hooks into the payment processing make sense?