Originally Posted by Slave
Just installed 2.2 .. seems to work well .. thanks for the hard work on this
The only problem I can see is if it's a quiet forum (say for a small group of friends) and no one visits the forums, but just uses the emails. Wouldn't this mean no email is processed due to it using the vbcron? Is there a way of getting around this?
Not that I have yet found. The scheduled tasks are run when the footer template is called from someone visiting if I recall right. This keeps the server from working overtime doing unneeded cleanups and such.
I'm uncertain yet if this is something I want to try to change. On one hand, I'm happy not to be hitting the server every 10 minutes when nothing is going on and maybe if I can get the email processor to pull the time an email was sent to assign that to the post may work well.
On the other hand, I'm unsure of an alternative way to get the cron to run every 10 minutes when noone is visiting from within vbulletin.
If someone has an alternate way to run the cron job from within vbulletin I'd certainly entertain the thought of working it into the mod