If you don't visit how is it that you saw my reply?
You're missing the point, he can release it anywhere for all I care. As long as I'm allowed to modify and re-release it freely anywhere
I want I will be happy.
This has nothing to do with vBulletin.org, vBulletin.org
is not the vBulletin community..it's simply a place where that community meets (well part/most of it anyway).
If Sam will release the modifications here what may happen , we must concentrate on that. A un qualified coder will probably take the matter in his/her hands because this code will bring fame to him on vb.org and fame will return money via paid modifications forum. Gars is a really extensive product and it needs to be improved perfectly but our coder will not be able to do that. And soon or later the product will loose all the benefits it gives to users.
None of that holds true if anyone is free to pick it up and run with it. So what if an "un qualified" programming plays with it? What does skill level matter? Is he not allowed to learn by doing like the rest of us? Are you saying he won't pick up good habits by reading and making modifications to code released by a respect hacker in our community?
In your eyes this site may have "failed" but your attitude is not helping to correct this problem at all. Are things really so bad that two people with a different view point on a subject can't discuss it here without bringing up the old "the community is dead" argument?
I'm still here...(almost) 6 years running and helping out where possible. There are plenty of people around here that have been around as long as I have (if not longer). You might not see us much but then again we tend to stay out of the 'board politics' because we know better by now.
But back to the point; Why are you guys so against having this released here but so quick to have it sold to another service provider? Have you forgotten what happened to vBgallery? What happens if this new owner decides to stop providing support/updates for the software you own? What if they're not interested in transferring the rights to the software to someone else? These are things you all should be thinking about as a customer.