Hey guys, who does install the hacks to this forum?
I know there are many [img] bbcode external image resizing hacks and i've tried many of them in the past. I'm currently using a very plain hack which is similar to the one Paul M. refferred above.
PHP Code:
return '<img class="resize" src="' . $link . '" border="0" alt="" />';
And CSS as:
HTML Code:
.resize {
max-width: 728px; width: expression(this.width > 728 ? 728: true);
vb.org's external image resizing method is better because it has the URL of the original image and i'm curious what happens to the image's URL if the image is both big and already linked.
Edit: I've found your CSS:
HTML Code:
.aimgbox {position: relative;overflow:auto;height:auto;width:98%;padding:5px}
img.aimg {max-width:96%;cursor:pointer}
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
.aimgbox {width:99%}
img.aimg{width: expression(this.width > 530 ? 510: true)}
and now i'm asking for the file edit
Rollover the picture above, you'll see it's linked to msxlabs.org. But when you click on it, it displays the image. If you right click on the image and select "open in a new window or tab" it sends you to msxlabs.org.
This may be implemented: