Hi Paul...
Thanks for responding. I am guessing you are not aware of AVSForum.

We have over 450 thousand registered users and see about 210,000 unique visitors a day. As such, if it looks though the user table to check the last visit time and date, well, yupper, that is why I more or less crashed.
As of this post...
Currently Active Users: 4788 (1980 members and 2108 guests)
Most users ever online was 8,818, 01-17-07 at 03:41 PM.
AVS Forum Statistics
Threads: 860,522, Posts: 11,101,217, Members: 457,824
If I can be of help, be happy to. For now I can see if happen and quickly turn off the plug in.
Happy to work with you via AIM. PM me to keep this off site.