Is there any quick way I can show an icon? For example.... If I wanted to know if a person was subscribed, I could use a conditional on:
However - I can't see anything for 'if a person has a post in the thread'. I could create my own in the global file, but would rather not touch that if I don't have to.
Since the main icon for the thread itself is generated from a bunch of different possibilities, I can see no way of using it.... However, I can't figure out a way to do this at this point without mucking up one of the globals to add my own global like $show[hasposts].
Any ideas here?
Thanks in advance!
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OK - Here is what I did... It works to what I need, though I am unsure if it is the best way to go about it
In Threadbit, I changed:
<if condition="$show['moderated'] OR $show['deletedthread'] OR $show['paperclip'] OR $show['subscribed'] OR $show['sticky']">
<if condition="$show['moderated'] OR $show['deletedthread'] OR $show['paperclip'] OR $show['subscribed'] OR $show['sticky'] OR $show['rexpires'] OR $thread[dot_count]">
Then added:
<if condition="$thread[dot_count]"><img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/haveposts.gif" alt="$vbphrase[you_have_posted_in_this_thread]" /> </if>
And, of course, created an image and put it in my /misc directory for the template
This works great! Thanks again for your help with this.