Just wanted to give everyone a heads up
I'm starting to work on 2.3 here are some of the changes I'll be adding in from others and working on myself
From Ed:
*Configurable newline character for emails (This may be null depending on the vbmail function)
*Subscription manager interface
From Bob:
*Performance and memory saving
*Handle post parentids correctly - affects threaded and hybrided mode.
My focuses will be:
*Get the system to use vbmail.. the spooling is a nessecity for large boards
*Get rid of all that [quote] stuff. It looks kick ass, but it just will never be reliable. This will also significantly clean up and speed up the email cleaning procedure as half of that is determining what kinda email it is to start and end the quotes on. Not to mention some people like to reply within other's posts.
*Get it to accept html attachments, like forwarded messages if the admin sets to accept all attachments.
*Gmail integration, allow a gmail address to be used to retrieve emails from.
*Allow an alternative install that doesn't allow import emails for those that just want the notifications.
There is no time frame on this as the rewriting of the regex's will be quite an undertaking, not to mention trying to get this thing to work using vbmail to send html emails without editting the files will be quite a trick I think.
Anyway. That's what I'm hoping for 2.3
No eta on that release, but keep your fingers crossed!