This add-on is nice and works.
Not easy to install at first time, but then it gives good results.
Only :
1) I don't succeded in changing the alignment for banners. They always look in the middle of their space.
2) I'm using banners of 468x60 pixels. Very strange, if I go with the mouse on the left and on the right (out of the banner) the link remains active. I have a doubt, somewhere in the php gives to banners fixed dimensions? Probably is also the matter that it dosn't move on the left...
3) Is it possible to add the chance to know how many time the banners are displayed?
4) Is it possible to add the chance to know how many times banners are clicked?
I don't know php, just a little to change minimum customization if they are in html.
Banners inside PHP-Nuke works great.
Is it possible to use the same modules inside VB ?

Too many questions????
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