I have checked from two other computers and the same thing happens. Interestingly, when the vbjournal.php?do=newarticle page is refreshed there is no page error! I guess it's not a problem as it doesn't stop it functioning. I guess it must be something to do with my style template then!
Inline images are activated. It's just the

shortcut button which is missing, only on vbjournal vbulletin editor, not on the rest of the board. I can still dsiplay images by actually typing in the [img] tags.
On the Newest Articles box it says: "By x, at 22/08/2007" - I'd like to change that to "By x on 22/08/2007". Would you be able to tell me which template to modify? Thanks.
On vbarticles I liked the "preview" button. With vbjournal a member cannot preview their articles. If they have made an error then cannot edit their own articles either. This is likely to cause increase requests to admin to make minor spelling and formatting alterations!